At CCWNY, we are always working on updating our site and facilities. Below is a list of the projects we're currently working on, or hope to start soon! If you'd like to help out, please visit our volunteer page or  contact us! 

Thank you to all who give generously of your time and money to make these plans a reality!


The porches on our Dining Hall and Tuck Shop are in need of repair. We want to make sure these spaces are safe for our campers, staff and visitors. There are some places where a new board or two will fix the problem, but other areas where brand new platforms and steps will need to be built. This will also affect the surrounding landscaping. Please consider a donation to help us with this project.

POWER to the Pavilion

We love to gather at Wing’s Shelter each week of summer camp for our Sunday night vespers. The Shelter is also used throughout the week for Bible Exploration time, class activities and evening programs. It would be wonderful to have electricity at Wing’s Shelter so we can have lights there when our programming runs late. It would add to the atmosphere and provide light for safe traveling to and from the area. Please consider a donation to help us with this project .

Completed Projects:

Dining Hall Floors

New Costume Shed

New Convection Ovens and Freezer

Village Cabins complete and furnished!!!

Thank you so much for giving toward these projects. It is a blessing to see how the Lord provided funding, materials, and labor to see these projects come to completion. We are excited to watch God continue to supply for our needed site projects. Come back soon to see pictures!